Our children's happiness and security is pivotal to their learning and development. They need to be given the knowledge to understand their thoughts and feelings in order to use strategies to self-regulate.
To support our pupils we utilise the strategies of myHappyMinds and Compass for Life.
"My Happy Mind has proved a valuable toolkit that has been used across the whole school from Reception through to Yr 6. It has aided teachers to support the wellbeing and resilience of pupils and empowered pupils to acquire the skills and knowledge to support themselves."
Richard Hughes, Headteacher
"I think the whole thing is brilliant. I have actually learnt alot aswell . Anything that makes the children think about how they can positively support themselves and others is a good thing."
Rod Webb, Wellbeing Governor
We asked our children what they thought of our school, and this is what they said:
"Move-up day got me ready for my new class"
"Our class timetable lets me know what is happening each day so I can be prepared"
"My class is my safe place, we have nice stuff and an amazing teacher"

Values-based education approach that creates a strong learning environment that enhances academic attainment and develops student's social and relationship skills.
The program is designed to inspire and empower children to follow their dreams. The most wonderful thing about the program is that it also supports the teachers on their own journeys and provides a common language to ensure that all children can be heard. It also supports every aspect of learning in the current curriculum and gives meaning to the subjects the children are being taught.